The Thriving Relationship

This group program is designed to help people learn the skills they need to have a successful and fulfilling relationship with their current and/or future partners. Each group will have a group video call (90 minutes) with me via Zoom once a week, where we discuss the topic of the week and ask questions they have. They can reach out to me and anyone in their group if they have any questions.


Week 1

Communication: This week is all about communicating effectively yet respectfully. Finding the balance between listening and speaking, finding the common language between you and your partner to avoid misunderstandings, and being able to talk about basic needs to difficult issues.

Week 2

Setting healthy boundaries: This week is all about setting three different kinds of boundaries: yours, theirs and together. Finding the balance between your own personal values, their values and the relationship values and learning to set healthy boundaries based on that.

Week 3

Balancing self-care with relationship care: Self care is really important but we also have to care for our partners and our relationships. Finding that balance between the two is very important. We will use priorities to help come up with a self care routine as well as a relationship care routine.

Week 4

Conflict resolution: Every relationship has its ups and downs. We usually fight with each other because of our different perspectives. This week is all about navigating the difficult fights and learning skills such as accountability, ownership, and empathy.

Week 5

Navigating the differences in life skills: this is where a lot of conflict can come up as well. One partner may be better at managing finances and the other might be better at managing the household. This week is all about playing to the strengths you bring into the relationship (while balancing it with your partner’s strengths) and working on your weaknesses.

Week 6

Finding the balance: After all is said and done, this week is about finding the balance between all the skills that are learned with work and day to day. Finding the time for the relationship is just as important as working.

relationship coaching, dating, love